Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life Tends To Keep Moving, With Or Without Us

Pro-Team Guide Spencer Ireys
Dar and Extreme Pro-Team Guide Wade Hays

Our "newbies" are settling in, life is moving right along. Ruger and Ike, are both like a deep breath, after holding it for a long-long time.As trainees come into our lives, there are a few important aspects to getting them ready for what is coming. The first is, during the initial settling in and being observed while life goes on and by, chores are being seen to; is this newbie here to get a guide license or become a professional guide? As (an if) he is aiming towards and has inside him what it takes to be a professional guide, is he (or she!) a possible candidate for the Extreme Pro Team Guides?

Master Guide Terry Overly
Bella, Amber-Lee with Trainee "Ike" 
These are things I also have to take into account as I am observing, speaking with and training. Our newbies, ok, ok, our trainees, are put through the so-called wringer, are putting in long, exhausting days and this all leads up to and from, what that individual has inside him.

During our winters firewood, water and keeping up with the range horses are our priorities. When an individual isn't paying close attention, the details, the beauty and the reason ,we are where we are, doing what we do becomes lost in the day to day, day after day. The work is intense, the pay back isn't monetarily, and being isolated brings an intensively close look of our inner selves. Do you like what you see? Can you admit your short comings, failures? Are you ready to improve them? Are you capable of asking for help? Are you willing to accept help? Are you playing jokes on your trainer?! Are you having fun?
Ruger, ready for lunch!! (not a photo op!)

What about the bigger picture? Do any of you listen to Coast to Coast, the radio station talk show? Am I supposed to be prepared for the earth switching poles? How, exactly, does one go about being prepared for this? I am, honestly speaking (and thinking), more concerned as to why and how the two horses Ruger and Ike delivers back to the feeding area 3 or 4 times a day, are determined to keep coming back to the barn!


  1. Ok all my outdoor gals and guy friends, hunters and horse people and photo friends give a comment here. Amber does a fantastic job!! The Photos are Fabulous! Always interesting and informative.. and following the daily life ..good and bad.. the new guys in training..well how can you NOT get hooked reading the blog! Better than anything I could go pay $ for in the bookstore and this is REAL life...

    Excellent always!!!

    Ann Jane/Equuisdancer

  2. Hi, Amber. Looks cold up there! Keep warm and keep writing!
